Seven Brothers

Seven Brothers

  • The first 'n' the third brothers
  • The second brother
  • The fourth brother
  • The fifth brother
  • the Sixth brothers

Mr Wakijo Wp and Mrs Sulasih have seven children, and all of them are men.all of them married but the lastone unmarried as he still studies in one of the private University in Jambi. among the children, three of them live in Jambi province,one of them live in the capital city of indonesia Jakarta and three of them live in Lampung'althought' they never meet each other as they live far a way but they love each other.

They all are working, and they have different profession the first one work as a civil servant in lampung, exactly in east lampung, and the second one as a freelance blogger template designer and the third as an honour teacher. and the fourth works in one of the biggest japanesse company in Jakarta.While two of them work in jambi and one of them no job.because he is student

These are the name of the seven brothers:

  1. Bambang Yuswanto,S.Pd
  2. Fajar Mardiyanto,S.Pd
  3. Joto Safrudiyanto, S.Pd
  4. Budi Susanto
  5. Bambang Hermawan, ST
  6. Didik Kusdiantor, A.Md
  7. Bayu Kurniawan

If you want to contact them you can contact throught their account social medialink

Yep thank for coming seeing this blog. Bye.


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